One of the biggest challenges facing the ham radio community is the lack of young people getting their license and being active on the air. To address this issue, RemoteHamRadio has introduced the RHR Youth Program, which has been a game changer for young people looking to get involved in the hobby.
Through live streaming and access to RHR stations, the Youth Program is making it easier for young people to learn about and participate in ham radio. Here’s how it works: Remote Ham Radio is looking for stations to donate to the Youth Network. When you donate your station, you get all the credit! When a young person connects to your station, they know that you donated it. The more stations on the network, the more youth members can participate.
This program has been revolutionary in changing the game for young people interested in ham radio. By making it easier and more accessible, the RHR Youth Program is helping to ensure that the hobby will continue to thrive for generations to come.
What your station needs to qualify as a station on the youth network:
FlexRadio 6000 series

Some amazing youths on the RHR Program

9A/Croatia YOTA Team using RHR devoted by Richard 9A1TT
Richard 9A1TT is doing an amazing job with youths on the other side of the pond in Europe with his 9A stations. Learn more of what Richard is doing:

New life for old wires.
This diamond-shaped wire antenna sits on a hill above the city of Buje in Istria, Croatia, and was used earlier to send the midwave signal of the radio station ′′ Radio Zagreb ′′ to the listeners on the Istrian Peninsula. After the switch to FM Radio, the 10 KW AM station was dismantled, but the wire antenna stopped.
Today, after decades of silence, the four wires around the 37 metre mast are sending a signal again, but one of a completely different kind. With the help of OiV (Croatia’s leading broadcaster and network provider), and a handful of amteurfunkers, Europe’s first remote amateur radio station, exclusively for young people was built. Completely remote controlled over the internet, free of charge and exclusive for licensed youth under 25 years old!
Now many will ask themselves the question whether we are in a world of wireless messages, thanks to Skype, WhatsApp and co. need amateur radio at all?
The same question can also be asked to the many hiking and sailors, who usually still prefer to do the things in the ′′ old ′′ way, despite the existence of off-road trails and motor messengers. Today’s amateur radio stations are able to send signals around the world with the help of a wire antenna and the consumption of a traditional light bulb. This simplicity is often the reason that fascinates a rookie with the hobby.
Thanks to the cloud technology developed by for remote control of an amateur radio station, it is possible that every licensed amateur radio operator from anywhere and 24/7 can operate this station.
At a time when cities are getting bigger and smaller and your own garden, the ′′ time-share ′′ approach is the best and most reliable way to enable hundreds of amatuer radio enthusiasts to enjoy amateur radio, no matter how far they are from the stations are away.
The cloud technology from enables access to the stations of any device with an Internet browse. Students or students who are not at home can continue to experience their hobby in a shared room, train or bus.
Feedback from Germany by Sven (call sign: DJ4MX and 9A5MX):′′ I’m lucky enough to have a great station at my home in Munich, which I share together with my father (DJ2MX), but not everyone my age has the same luck, most people are not even able to build a simple antenna, or there is no budget, that’s where it’s very convenient, if you can radio remotely via RHR from such a great station, which is exclusive and free for young people. Because of the possibility you can also learn what it’s like to radio from another country without having to travel extra. I would like to thank everyone who made it possible.”
Feedback from USA from Brennan (US call sign K6BFL):′′ The new youth station shows me a completely new facet in amateur radio. It’s great to have the opportunity to spark from Europe, even though you’re sitting in the USA. It was possible for me to reach out to different people in the world, whom I never had the chance to speak to. It really showed me a different type of amateur radio.My station home works great in the USA and west, but it’s always been hard to talk to stations from Europe or Asia. With the new station in Croatia, I am able to talk (with a good signal) to many of my foreign friends, and I can collect many new lands that I could not reach from my home in Colorado. Thank you so much!”
Register today for the youth program of just fill in and spark today.
For those who don’t have a license yet, simply search for amateur radio associations in your area on the internet for more information on how to get a license.US licenses are also available for anyone who has an address in the US (does not have to be in the US). Exams are held online every day.
For more information: luck, and see you soon on the amateur radio bands!